Chemistries                  603-2779 2080

EZ Series Manganese Analysers

EZ Series Manganese Analysers
The EZ Series Online Analysers offer multiple options to monitor Manganese in water. Typical applications are wastewater, drinking water, steam & power generation, surface water.

The EZ1000 and EZ2000 Series Analysers use colorimetric analysis to measure dissolved and total Manganese:
- EZ1025 Manganese Mn(II), dissolved; standard measuring range: 0.01 - 1 mg/L
- EZ2003 Manganese, total; standard measuring range: 0.02 - 1 mg/L
- EZ2303 Manganese, total & Mn(II), dissolved; standard measuring range: 0.02 - 1 mg/L

Options for all EZ1000 and EZ2000 include:
- Calibration to 10%, 25% or 50% of standard range
- Internal dilution
- Multiple stream analysis (1-8 streams) reducing cost per sampling point
- Analogue and/or digital outputs for communication

Some applications may require the use of a sampling/filtration or an external dilution system for sample preconditioning. For this option please check the EZ9000 Sample Preconditioning page.

Need support or a different configuration for your online Manganese analyser? Please contact us.

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