Hach tailor made online pollution monitoring station to monitor wastewater discharge with confidence for local regulator, industrial parks and companies, Vietnam
Client in this case study would cover the regulator sector, industrial parks and industrial company. This is due to a regulation according to Vietnam’s 1994 Law on Environmental Protection (LEP) and Circular No. 08/2009/TT-BTNMT (revised by Circular No. 48/2011/TT-BTNMT), that they have to install an automatic system for online monitoring on their treated wastewater when exceed a certain limit.

Client pledges strict control of industrial wastewater discharges from industrial parks and industrial manufacturers around the province, therefore the need for automatic monitoring system
Client requires online monitoring system monitoring pH, COD, TSS as compulsory parameters. The parameters that client would test for are pH, temperature, TSS, conductivity and COD
Client has its system built at the sewage treatment station in the factory and it requires online monitoring system monitoring pH, COD, TSS as compulsory parameters.
Being a leader in water quality, Hach is able to customize different solutions for different industries in the online pollution monitoring system.
Hach is proud to be the choice for clients’ water quality testing solution provider.
Want to know how Hach has helped to create a vast variety of custom made online pollution monitoring station to monitor wastewater discharge with confidence for local regulator, industrial parks and industrial company? Ask us how!
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