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HQ440D Laboratory pH Meter Package for Flat Surface Measurements with Fast Response RedRod PHC729 Glass Refill Electrode

HQ440D Laboratory pH Meter Package for Flat Surface Measurements with Fast Response RedRod PHC729 Glass Refill Electrode
Product #: 8507450
Brand: HACH
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Application Notes Type Language Size Date Edition
Calibration of the High Purity 8362sc pH Electrode
  English US 199 KB 2017-11 Nov17
Measuring Scale Forming Potential in Cooling Water
  English US 531 KB 2016-10 Oct16
Technical note pH measurement system
  English UK 183 KB 2013-11
Technical Note pH Trace Analysis
  English UK 95 KB 2013-11
Brochures Type Language Size Date Edition
Complete Water Analysis Solutions for Power and Steam Generation
  English UK 964 KB 2024-04 Jan 15
Complete Water Analysis Solutions for Power and Steam Generation
  English US 3 MB 2024-01 Jan24
Complete Water and Product Quality Analysis Beverage Industry
  English US 1 MB 2024-01 Jan24
Introduction to Hach Services
  English US 587 KB 2021-10 Jun21
The best solution for accurate results in all applications - HQD meters and high performance pH electrodes
  English US 414 KB 2021-07 May21
Guides Type Language Size Date Edition
Measuring Chloride in Power Applications
  English US 707 KB 2018-02 Jan18
Manuals Type Language Size Date Edition
User Manual: HQd Benchtop Meter
  Japanese, Chinese, English US, French, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai 2 MB 2017-09 Ed 2
User Manual: HQd Benchtop Meter
  English US 1 MB 2020-10 Ed 2
Methods/Procedures Type Language Size Date Edition
Electrochemistry Theory and Practice
  English US 3 MB 2018-12 Ed3
Software/Firmware Type Language Size Date Edition
HQd Series Meter Data Transfer Utility V1.0
Download for Instructions
  English UK, English US 738 KB 2017-08 V1.0
HQD Series Meter Software Update
Do NOT update from firmware versions prior to V2.5.0.744. - Failure to comply will void any warranty. Please contact Hach Technical Support if you need help for prior versions or have any question.
  English UK, English US, French, German, Italian, Spanish 1 MB 2023-11 V3.00.75.6