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Distribution System Monitoring

Monitor water quality in the distribution system

Monitoring specific parameters at the Point of Entry (POE) is a Federal regulatory requirement to ensure the delivery of safe drinking water to the community. Monitoring water quality throughout the distribution system (beyond POE) is regulated by individual States and is accepted by municipalities as a good practice to maintain safety of the system and the product – tap water.

By monitoring treated water within the water distribution system, you can identify potential problems that pose risks to public health and threaten regulatory compliance.

Hach provides the solutions to monitor these parameters. With Hach, you can ensure that safe, quality drinking water is reaching your customers.

Explore What You Need
The SL1000 PPA performs multiple distribution tests faster.

Which Options are Right for You?

Your facility is required to monitor water in the distribution system to ensure safe drinking water for the community you serve. Thorough monitoring can also be an early indicator of serious issues, including nitrification, main breaks, excessive water age, or potential security violations. Whatever your needs, Hach is ready to help with information, technology, and support.

Explore parameters and methods for distribution monitoring below.

Distribution monitoring can provide early indicators of serious issues like nitrification, main breaks, excessive water age, or potential security violations.


Iron is tested for corrosion control and to assess if flushing procedures are sufficient in reducing the iron concentration to acceptable levels. Iron testing is also conducted at sites within the distribution system to investigate red water complaints from customers.

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Increased water turbidity levels within the distribution system can be an indicator of a water main break, nitrification or other deteriorating water quality conditions. Turbidity is also measured during flushing operations to ensure that it has decreased to acceptable levels before putting the line back into service. Check out Hach's turbidity monitoring solutions.

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Coliforms & Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC)

Monitor pathogenic bacteria and HPCs to ensure that sufficient microbial protection has been achieved and crossconnection errors have not occurred after replacing distribution system mains and service lines.

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A decline in pH may be indicative of nitrification occurring in distribution systems using chloramination for disinfection. A sudden rise or drop in pH could also indicate a distribution system failure or security issue.

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Free Chlorine

Some utilities are required to maintain and report certain levels of free chlorine residual for systems using free chlorine for disinfection. Use the indophenol method 10241 for waters that have potential interference due to metals and/or chloramines. This method eliminates over-estimating free chlorine levels. The method also eliminates the use of arsenite for manganese interference compensation.

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Total Chlorine

Check for total chlorine residuals to meet compliance requirements. The maximum level allowed at POE is 4.0 mg/L. Many regulatory agencies require a minimum of 0.2 mg/L free chlorine or 0.5 mg/L total chlorine (monochloramine) throughout the distribution systems. Monitoring is also done at storage tanks and pump stations to study mixing efficiencies, water age, and temperature gradient issues. A sudden loss of disinfectant residual at any point within the distribution system can indicate nitrification issues, line breaks, excessive water age, or possible security violations.

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Compare the determined monochloramine value to the value at the POE. A drop in the monochloramine concentration indicates that there is a chlorine demand in the distribution system and the residual monochloramine has been used. A drop in monochloramine would be an indication that the free ammonia level has likely increased, which may indicate the onset of nitrification, and the situation may be out of compliance when only the total chlorine residual is measured by DPD method.

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Free Ammonia

Free ammonia levels will increase as monochloramine reacts with various organics and bacteria in the distribution system water satisfying the chlorine demand. Increased free ammonia levels indicate onset of nitrification. A sudden drop in free ammonia suggests that nitrification is in process and nitrite is being formed. The free ammonia value is useful in determining the amount of free chlorine needed to increase the monochloramine residual at a booster station. The free ammonia level can also be reduced by adding free chlorine in a ratio of 5:1 as Cl2: N to help reduce nitrification potential.

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Conduct nitrite monitoring as an early indication of nitrification. Keep concentrations at regulated levels to protect public health and avoid problems within the distribution system.

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Nitrite (NO 2)

Monitor your sources for nitrite as it may be present in the source and gets oxidized during treatment to produce nitrate.

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Mainly, groundwater facilities aim to remove dissolved metals and/or TOC with pre-oxidation, ion-exchange, or membrane treatment. However, some utilities may employ chemical treatment with coagulants. If your water source requires additional treatment with coagulants to remove colloidal particles, you can use advanced monitoring and optimization tools available from Hach.

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Explore additional parameters

For a full set of parameters to control water quality in the distribution system, review the information available with the Hach SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer Kit, designed to dramatically reduce potential errors in field analysis.




Additional Resources


A distribution system monitoring panel can help ensure integrity in your distribution system.

Ensure System Integrity with Distribution System Monitoring Panels

Learn how Pennsylvania's North Wales Water Authority used automated distribution system monitoring panels to monitor 50-square miles of service area.


Read the datasheet to learn more about the water distribution panel.

Download the Water Distribution Monitoring Panel Datasheet

The Water Distribution Monitoring Panel is the right tool to establish your distribution system's water quality baseline.


SL1000 PPA uses Chemkey reagents that execute tests without zeroing, mixing, shaking, chemicals, or vials.

Streamline the Distribution System Sampling Process

Learn how to streamline the sampling process. With the SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer, technicians can test multiple parameters with a single instrument. Complete more sets in less time and with less water.



SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA) Bundle Options

The full SL1000 PPA kit includes everything you need to get started with chloramination testing.

Full SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer™ (PPA) Kit

Everything you need to get started with chloramination testing.


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Select the attributes below to find the right distribution product for you.

Hach has a range of solutions designed for water quality experts! We help take the guesswork out of measurements with accurate results and simple operation so you can continuously monitor water in your distribution system before it goes to your community.


Compare our different products used for various applications by exploring the resources and options below.


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Looking for a specific parameter?

Titralab AT1000 & KF1000 Series

The AT1000 and KF1000 instruments are one touch, automatic laboratory analyzers covering both Potentiometric Titration (AT1000 Series) and Karl Fischer Volumetric Titration (KF1000 Series).

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HQ Series/HQD Meters/Intellical Probes

The rugged and durable HQD® portable meters and laboratory meters are designed to give drinking water and wastewater professionals the greatest confidence and flexibility.

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Intellical Probes

Red Rod pH probes offer exceptional performance and response time across a wide variety of sample types in the laboratory. Rugged stainless steel outdoor probes are extremely practical for on-site analysis.

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DR6000 Benchtop Spectrophotometer

Designed to deliver accurate results and perform with the TNTplus (utilizing the new Truecal™ software) offering: reduced handling steps, precise dosing, automatic test recognition, and expiration date check.

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Designed to deliver accurate results and perform with the TNTplus (utilizing the new Truecal™ software) offering: reduced handling steps, precise dosing, automatic test recognition, and expiration date check.

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DR1900 Portable Spectrophotometer

The DR1900 excels in the field because it is the lightest and most compact portable spectrophotometer. Your field testing takes you to potentially dusty and wet conditions where other equipment simply won’t be safe.

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DR900 Colorimeter

The DR900 portable colorimeter allows for quick and easy access to your most frequently used testing methods in less than four clicks. This colorimeter is waterproof, dustproof, shock resistant, and has been drop tested for greater quality assurance.

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DR300 Pocket Colorimeter

Single Parameter go-anywhere portable photometer, battery operation for a maximum of 5000 tests, waterproof instrument IP67 (even better than PCII), larger, better display, data connectivity, and Bluetooth to Claros

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SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyser (PPA)

The Hach SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA) performs the same tests with less than half the manual steps. Get highly accurate results, with less opportunity for errors, in a fraction of the time.

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Test Kits

Hach offers a wide range of kits, from easy-to-use, single parameter color comparators to comprehensive portable laboratories with advanced instrumentation — for fast, accurate results in the field or lab.

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Digital Titrator Test Kits

Hach digital titrators use a high-precision dispensation device and replaceable titrant cartridges for highly accurate results in the field or lab.

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TL23 Series Laboratory Turbidimeters

The TL23 Series ensures stable readings and accurate analysis by capturing turbidity readings once the device detects sample stability.

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2100Q Portable Turbidimeter

The 2100Q portable turbidimeter provides convenient data logging. Up to 500 measurements are automatically stored in the instrument for easy access and backup.

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TU5 Series Laboratory Turbidimeters

The TU5200 is designed to deliver a revolutionary 360° x 90° Detection™ Technology, engineered to see more of your sample than any other turbidimeter.

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EZ Series Aluminium Analysers

The EZ Series Online Analyzers offer multiple options to monitor Aluminium in water. Typical applications are wastewater, drinking water, steam & power generation, surface water.

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5500sc Ammonia Monochloramine Analyzer

The 5500 sc Ammonia Monochloramine Analyzer provides all the information you need to eliminate nitrification events and taste and odor issues, giving you total confidence in your process.

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TSS sc Sensors

Hach's TSS sc are digital special probes for determining turbidity and suspended solids in aqueous, and also aggressive, media, in accordance with DIN EN ISO.

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Water Distribution Monitoring Panel

The Water Distribution Monitoring Panel consists of normal water quality parameters that can be used on virtually any finished water application and are useful for monitoring water quality...

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Hach Support Online (HSO) pools more than 80 years of water analysis knowledge into a powerful global community. Flowing directly into our customer and technical support teams, this dynamic resource delivers real-time answers, user-friendly search tools, multiple types of content, and easy ways to connect with Hach experts. With HSO, you get the information you need and together, we can ensure water quality for people around the world.

Hach Training Center provides relevant, hands-on training to your team, giving them the experience they need to master various theories and techniques—and produce results you can trust for quality assurance, environmental safety, and regulatory compliance. Hach experts offer a large course catalog of workshop training, personalized training, and digital learning designed to increase proficiency and confidence for plant operators, instrument and field technicians, laboratory personnel, and plant managers and superintendents.

Hach ServicePlus® Programs have been developed to help solve your maintenance and support problems. Whether it’s a lack of resources or skills, an instrument that is down, compliance concerns or the need for a predictable budget, we have programs to fit the unique challenges you face in your organization.

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