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Application - Monitor Stator Cooling Water

Instruments for monitoring Stator Cooling Water Systems  

Stator cooling

The power generator stator cooling system is a group of small diameter copper tubes (strands) that carry water around the generator stator windings. Corrosion in the system is exhibited as copper oxide flakes in the strands reducing water flow and inhibiting the cooling efficiency of the system. This leads to degrading of the generator and eventually may necessitate cleaning or replacing the strands. Plugged strands often lead to winding “hot spots” which can ultimately cause generator failure.

Hach India – Leaders in water quality analysis, provide equipments that help monitor stator water cooling systems.

Image Left: Corrosion in the stator cooling systems of power generators is a primary source of maintenance costs and plant downtime
Image Below: Stator cooling water system: Alkaline injection type.

Stator Cooling Diagrsm

Key Parameters to be monitored  

  1. Dissolved Oxygen
  2. pH
  3. Conductivity

Popular Hach Products for Dissolved Oxygen, pH & Water Conductivity Analysis  

  1. Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer:

    Our Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen Sensors have set industry standards which every other company aspires to meet. Along with industry expertise and best in line oxygen analyzers, Hach equipment offers substantial operating and cost benefits.

    Popular Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers -PPB:

  2. pH Analyzer

    Hach instruments have taken water pH testing, measuring, and analyzing activities to a higher level. Our water pH testers and analyzers, pH glass electrodes, and ORP sensors help analyze pH levels and detect faults in systems with electronic pH meters.

    Popular pH Analyzers:

  3. Conductivity Analyzer:

    Hach is the world leader in water conductivity measurement and analysis. Our new analog and digital conductivity measurement equipment provide quick and precise results. We raise water conductivity measurement to a higher dimension.

    Popular Conductivity Analyzers:

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