Chemistries                  603-2779 2080

SUNA Submersible Underwater Nutrient Analyzer, Seawater, 2073 cm³, RS232, Analog, SDI12, USB, Wiper

Product #: SUNA.11102S
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Industry-leading sensor for nitrate measurement

The SUNA V2 UV nitrate sensor is the ultimate solution for real-time nutrient monitoring. This sensor measures nitrate over a wide range of environmental conditions, from blue-ocean nitraclines to storm runoff in rivers and streams.

  • Full UV spectrum range for maximum accuracy
  • Real-time nitrate calculation
  • SUNA V2 (2k) option for floats, gliders, and other AUVs
  • SUNA V2 (2k) option for floats, gliders, and other AUVs