Chemistries                  603-2779 2080

Test kit, copper (free & total) color disc, model CU-6

Product #: 2194100-MY
Brand: HACH
Unit Price Contact Hach


Copper may exist in natural waters and effluents as a soluble salt or as suspended solids. A small amount is essential for plants and animals, and concentrations exceeding 0.1 mg/L are useful for controlling algae and plankton growth. Quantities ranging from 0.02 to 0.1 mg/L are toxic for some fish, so its use for treating fish disease requires careful monitoring. Range: 0.1-4 mg/L; Contains 50 Free and 50 Total tests.

  • Simple, low-cost color disc method is the most accurate visual test kit method
  • Kit contains all required reagents and apparatus in a rugged carrying case for analysis in the field

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